Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reasons to Stop Comparing Your Career to Others - The Muse

Reasons to Stop Comparing Your Career to Others - The MuseReasons to Stop Comparing Your Career to Others Theodore Roosevelt once said, Comparison is the thief of joy. Well, Teddy, I cant help but agree. Oftentimes, seeing how you match up against others is a frustrating, discouraging, and simply unproductive use of your time. Sure, sometimes theres elendhing like a little friendly competition to really give you a kick in the pants. But, in most cases, constantly comparing yourself- parteicularly your career- to others is pretty much a recipe for disaster.Dont believe me? Here are six reasons you should snap out of it and stop analyzing how you measure up to everyone else. Because, honestly, it really doesnt matter. 1. Its Probably Not RelevantYou just heard through the grapevine that your old high school boyfriend just landed this awesome job as an attorney at a high-profile law firm. Instead of feeling happy or proud, youre immediately filled with intense jealousy. Ugh, hes probabl y making so much money, you think to yourself, I wish I could score a super impressive job like his.But, guess what? Youre not even an attorney. You didnt go to law school, nor have you ever had a desire to work in the legal field. Yet, its essentially human nature to see how you measure up to someone else- no matter how much (or how little) you have in common. Comparing yourself to others is one thing. But, doing so when the other persons background or industry isnt even relevant? Its just a demoralizing waste of time. Instead, pick a few influencers or accomplished professionals in your chosen field who really motivate and inspire you, and work toward achieving that saatkorn success. After all, you dont need me to tell you that comparing apples to oranges just isnt constructive.2. It Doesnt Set Healthy GoalsOf course, theres nothing wrong with always working towards something. But, I never recommend busting your butt in reservierung to keep up with the Jones. It simply breeds disc ontentment. So, spend your time chipping away at the personal goals and ambitions that make you better and make you feel accomplished. Thats right, constantly being so concerned with how everyone else is performing isnt doing you any favors. So, set goals thatll help you achieve what you want (and not just what looks impressive on your LinkedIn profile). You might be surprised with the results3. Its DiscouragingComparison is a funny thing. It can either make you feel really miserable and defeated, or really victorious and talented. But, more often than not, constantly matching yourself up against others is incredibly disheartening.Perhaps your college friend just got a big promotion at the tech company where she works. Or, maybe that random acquaintance you Facebook-stalk just posted about that fancy award he received. Good for them But, what does beating yourself over the head with that information really accomplish? Nothing, other than make you feel irritated, unappreciated, and u nimportant.Sure, seeing that your old college roommate is still scooping cones at her local dairy freeze might lift your spirits. But, that natural tendency is not only mean-spirited its also a little counterproductive. You dont want to spend your time feeling so superior that you neglect to recognize the areas where you can improve and grow. Then, you might just find yourself at the dairy freeze, too.4. Its an Unproductive Waste of TimeThis should be obvious, but something positive and productive rarely comes out of comparing yourself to others. So, its essentially just a colossal waste of the precious time that you could be spending on other, more beneficial things.Put an end to your self-deprecating Facebook scrolling and instead think of some actionable things you can do to actually improve yourself. Does your LinkedIn profile need a polish? Is there a professional workshop or seminar youve been meaning to sign up for? Are there some new projects you should add to your online po rtfolio?Well, do those things now Its a much better use of your time than cyber-stalking your second grade pen pal. 5. Its Not Always What it SeemsIt comes as no surprise that people have the tendency to present the shiniest version of their lives- particularly on social media. So, dont be tricked into thinking that youre the only one who ever falls on hard times or faces an uphill battle.That acquaintance who posted about finally taking the leap from her full-time job in order to freelance full-time? Well, of course shes not going to mention that she was actually let go from her position. That college friend whos taking some time off to travel and explore? Hes probably not going to post about the fact that he found himself in a job he hated, and now needs time to reevaluate his options.Nope, things arent always as they seem. And, theres really no use in comparing yourself to a mirage. 6. Its Not a Measurement of SuccessYes, your career is a huge part of your life. But, how quickly youre climbing the ladder? Its not the only definition of a successful existence.Do you enjoy your work? Do you have a loving and supportive family and group of friends? Are you healthy? Are you happy? If you answered yes to all- or even one- of these questions, then Id say youre doing pretty well for yourself. Its important to always remember that your career is just one slice of the pie. So, dont let it be solely responsible for a rotten taste in your mouth.Ill admit that comparing yourself to others is natural. But, that doesnt mean its valuable. Keep these reasons in mind, shut off that pesky voice in your head, and channel all of your energy into something more productive. At the very least, youll make Teddy Roosevelt proudPhoto of thinking woman courtesy of Shutterstock.

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